Microsoft Office XP Small Business

Microsoft Office XP Small Business

In March 2005, Microsoft released Microsoft Office XP, their newest productivity application compatible with their Windows operating system. It was released after Office 2000 and before Office 2003. Although the name was similar to XP, the new Microsoft Office XP Small Business was compatible with other versions of Windows such as Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, Windows 2000, Windows ME, Windows Vista and even the new Windows 7.

This new version of Microsoft Office XP SB is a major upgrade to its predecessors, and has a many new things and improvements such as Smart Tag, Safe Mode, Text Services Framework, and a much improved Clipboard. The two newest additions are the Speech and Handwriting recognition and the Task Panes. For the speech and handwriting feature, it has the dictation and voice command functions. Users can dictate the words which will be transcribed into text, or they can use their voice to invoke commands to the computer such as menu options. Task Panes functions as a window that functions that would usually appear as dialogue boxes. It is indeed a powerful tool that saves you time, keeps you organized, produce better results. It comes with a variety of templates and with high – quality graphics, any type of document will have a professional finish!

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Microsoft Office XP SB is one of the seven editions of Microsoft Office XP. The other six editions are Standard, Professional, Professional Special (Upgrade), Professional with Publisher, Professional with Front Page and Developer. There are similarities and differences in each edition. All seven have Microsoft Excel, Word and Outlook as their core components. The difference of Microsoft Office XP SB among the other editions is that it doesn’t have Microsoft Powerpoint. It also does not have Access, Frontpage and Developer Tools.

This powerful productivity suite is available for retail at your local computer software shop or online.

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