Small Business Grants Maryland overview:
Do you need cash to jump start your new small business or expand an exiting one?
There is actually free money to start businesses in the form of business grants from your local state development agencies. These sources are very good starting points when looking for other sources of funding. These institutions either help start a business or expand an existing business.
Various grants are available at .
To find out if you are eligible for a grant and please visit the elegibility tutorial video to find out more.
Small business loans and small business grants may be awarded to companies that meet the size standards that the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has established for most industries in the economy.
Please visit the Small Business Administration Website (SBA) to find out more about the standards and exceptions they have set up for people looking for grants and financial assistance.
While the SBA is always a good source of information regarding small businesses, please check out these other websites that may help in enriching information about small business grants and other means of financial assistance in Maryland. The Maryland State Arts Council, Maryland Department of Environment or Capital Investment: Maryland Venture Fund
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