One name that first manages to get the attention when it comes to the loan programs is Small Business Administration. SBA is working actively to empower both the men and the women business owners so that they can have a small business of their own. Apart from the funding and the grant related help, Small Business Administration is also providing the women business owners with the counseling and the encouragement that would help them to enter this business field with all the confidence.
Another prominent agency that is making it possible for the women entrepreneurs to get easy loans for establishing their small business is Federal Money Retriever. It is basically a fund raising agency that raises the funds from one woman and gives it to another. The loans that are provided by Federal Money Retriever vary from the amount $500 to $10,000.
There are various other agencies and organizations that are making it easy for the women business owners to come out with their own business such as The Women’s Funding Network, American Association of University Women, The Ada Project for Women, Financial Women International and many more.
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