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How awesome is working from home?
September 22, 2017

So this week has been the school holidays and also my babies 15th birthday. I know, crazy right?

Apart from the fact that I am feeling really old :(

I am so excited that I have the choice to be able to work from home for times like these.

Now that they are obviously older they don't need me around as much but I still don't want them to be on their own.

How do you handle the school holidays?

I have been in business now for almost 18 years. I started the business just after my first was born because I wanted to be there for all the important times in his life.

It has been stressful at times but I haven't looked back since!

I have had some time to work on my business and have been reviewing the content in my website and the work that I am doing with it.

Check out my blogpost How to start a home based business if you are interested in starting your own.

I know that there are lots of stay at home mums that just don't want to go back to work after having their first babies...

Not only do you feel good but it is usually in the best interests of your child too at this really critical point in their life.

I have shared photos of us celebrating Zac's birthday on Instagram and our Facebook page but just in case you haven't seen it I have shared one below.

Join our Business Parents Facebook Group if you would like to connect with other liked minded parents.

Tammy x

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