Small Business Security

Small Business Security

The online world is proving to become a more and more threatening environment in our times; this is especially true for businesses. Whether you are an exclusively online type of business, or one that was originally only a brick and mortar business, security online is definitely something that has crossed your mind. The amount of information going to be put on your computer system, combined with the talk of all the threatening viruses and hackers make it even less appealing. So what is it one can do in order to protect your little office of a few computers, from the big and dangerous world out there? First things first, this is something I think many computer users continue to underestimate: a firewall.

The firewall is basically your offices’ computers first line of defense against all those harmful malware and viruses that threaten to destroy or even worse, expose the sensitive information of your company. Be sure to set and configure as needed, the firewall set for your office network against the connection to the Internet. This means that although there is Internet access through one or two main computers, the firewall in those controlling computers will help protect the whole office network from malware from the Internet.

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Yet that still isn’t enough. To better protect your office network, there is a need to set up individual firewalls to each of the computers within the office network. This may not seem an obvious necessity, yet one must consider that viruses and malware can be transferred via CD’s, USB flash drives, external disk drives, and other devices directly attachable to computers in the network. So to protect each computer, second layer of firewalls for each computer also gives better protection for the information in your business within the office network.

This is just one precaution (and a necessary one) that small businesses should know about and make use of immediately. The last thing we want is your small business that is budding with potential, to lose due to lack of internet know-how.

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